Legal Resources
A list of legal contacts and resources.

Legal Resources
If you...
You may search for a lawyer in private practice using the Legal Services Regulatory Authority e-Services.
You may wish to contact one of the following organisations for help, subject to eligibility:
- Legal Aid Bureau (LAB)
- Community Legal Clinics (Pro Bono SG)
- Community Justice Centre (CJC)
- Family Justice Support Scheme (Pro Bono SG)
You will be considered a 'Litigant in Person'. You may wish to seek information and assistance from the Community Justice Centre (CJC).
Alternatively, if you are filing for divorce on the simplified track and wish to initiate divorce proceedings without engaging a lawyer, you may access the FJC’s Divorce eService portal, which is a portal for the preparation and filing of divorce applications. For more information, please refer to the infographic below.