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Ministry of Social and Family Development | Family Assist



Some of the things you need to consider before getting a divorce are: 

  1. The legal requirements based on the type of marriage;
  2. You and your children’s housing and living arrangements;
  3. The financial impact of divorce on you;
  4. The parenting arrangements for your children and their well-being; and
  5. The psychological impact of divorce on you.

If you or your children are victims of domestic violence, you may

  1. Call the National Anti-Violence and Sexual Harassment Helpline at 1800-777-0000.
  2. If there is imminent danger to life and safety, call the police at 999, or go to your nearest Neighbourhood Police Post or Centre for help.
  3. Seek medical treatment or examination if you are injured.
  4. Seek advice from a Protection Specialist Centre (PSC) (formerly known as Family Violence Specialist Centre). The PSC may also assist you in applying for a Personal Protection Order.
  5. Go to a temporary crisis shelter or seek shelter with trusted friends or family. 

For more information, please click here

Airtime charges apply for mobile calls to 1800 service lines.

Counselling can provide neutral, outside perspectives into the issues you are facing. Counsellors may be able to share insights and equip you and/or your family with coping skills. Through counselling, you can work on issues – individually or together with your spouse – to improve your marriageclarify your decision about divorce, or learn to manage during or after a divorceYour child can also benefit from counselling. 

Counselling is available for adults and children at all Strengthening Families Programme@Family Service Centres (FAM@FSCs) and the Divorce Support Specialist Agency (DSSA), free-of-charge. The staff at these agencies are experienced social workers and counsellors with specialised skills in working with families and children. Counselling is available as individual, joint or family sessions.

The support programmes provided by the Strengthening Families Programme@Family Service Centres (FAM@FSCs) and Divorce Support Specialist Agency (DSSA) are free-of-charge. To register for the support programmes and/or sign up for counselling, you may wish to contact your nearest agency.

This article may help you to gain clarity on the state of your marriage. You may also wish to consider attending Discernment Counselling at any Strengthening Families Programme@Family Service Centres (FAM@FSC). Discernment Counselling aims to help couples gain clarity and confidence in making a decision about the future of their marriage. 

This article provides you with information and tips on strengthening your marriage. You may also wish to seek counselling support via our Online Counselling service or at any of the Strengthening Families Programme@Family Service Centres (FAM@FSC).

You may be feeling frustrated or disappointed that your spouse does not want to attend counselling. To better cope with your own emotions, you may wish to attend individual counselling, which is available at any Strengthening Families Programme@Family Service Centres (FAM@FSC). A counsellor can work with you through some of the thoughts and emotions that you may be experiencing, and guide you in coping with any possible distress.

Breaking the news about the divorce to your children may be the most difficult conversation you will ever have with them. This conversation is something that children will remember for the rest of their lives, and there is no easy way around it. You may find some tips here

Co-parenting happens when you and the other parent continue to work together to raise your children even though the both of you are divorced and may no longer be living together. Cooperative co-parenting provides your children stability despite the changes to the family structure, and leads to better outcome for your children.

All parents with children below 21 years old are required to attend the Mandatory Co-Parenting Programme (CPP) before filing for divorce.

All parents with children below 21 years old are required to attend the Mandatory Co-Parenting Programme (CPP) before filing for divorce in Singapore. The requirement would apply to both Singaporeans or foreigners.

It is valid for 2 years.

Some organisations offer legal clinics where you can seek free/low-cost legal advice on divorce matters, which may include child custody, divorce maintenance issues, and/or any other ancillary matters. You can get more information at our Legal Resources page.

There are various housing options if you and your spouse own an HDB flat or an executive condominium. You can find out more here.

A divorce not only takes a toll on your emotional and mental health, but it can also affect your financial health if your finances are not considered carefully beforehand. Some key financial issues that you should think about are highlighted in this article.

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