Singapore A Singapore Government Agency Website
Ministry of Social and Family Development | Family Assist



Family Assist is a portal to provide support for couples should they face challenges in their marriage and need help resolving their differences, particularly those with young children. Whether you are open to saving your marriage or decide to proceed with divorce, you can find relevant and reliable information, services and support to help you to make informed decisions in the best interest of your child.


We work closely with our partners to bring relevant and reliable resources and information to Family Assist. Please click here for the list of our partners. 

Citizen Engagement

To ensure that the content of the portal is relevant and relatable to citizens’ needs, MSF engaged more than 100 citizens to seek their feedback on content that will be useful to couples considering divorce. These included citizens who had undergone divorce and citizens who were contemplating divorce but did not proceed with divorce. Through citizens’ feedback, we were able to better customise and refine the content of the portal so that it will help families achieve better outcomes, especially in terms of supporting the children who are often the most impacted. Some citizens had also contributed their experiences, which have been included in the form of stories in our content. 

Click on the video below to hear citizens’ feedback on our Citizen Engagement.

PDF generated on 22 Feb 2025 - 10:00:52